My little boy is almost 1 year and half and of course he speaks now and the most used word I can hear from him is BELLO! (after mamma…)
Nothing strange for those who know me… I always say BELLO when I see something I like and if I really like it I say “BELLO, BELLO, BELLO” with a typical gesture of enthusiasm. And he repeats everything I say.
He has a nice box full of cards with images of animals, flowers, fruits, birds and…insects! And when he says BELLO for a ladybug…ok I can understand….but to me it’s impossible to understand he likes for example a fly or a bedbug. But he likes them! and at the beginning I tried to split the cards between the nice ones (the roe deer, the badger) and the other ones, but noooo….he liked the salamander as well.
So I tried to understand why. Usually the animals I do not like are those that are related to my sense of disgust. It’s not the image of the card that I don’t like, but my imagination goes beyond that image and I can’t imagine myself looking at a salamander saying BELLO…. I mean, it’s a salamander!! But now I can understand my baby since the salamander actually is dark green with yellow spots and has two big deep black eyes…
I’m giuliaemotive and I’m rediscovering beauty!