Art is cool

We are living an era where almost everybody loves going to museums, art exhibitions, reading books, performing arts, any kind of art in now cooler than ever and this is true for everybody. It may sound snob but it looks like everyone in now an art lover. Just because it’s cool now.

This was my first reaction but then I realized that this is actually an amazing signal from society. It’s a positive evolution and even if it can happen just because it’s a trend…let’s love this trend!

I’m giuliaemotive and I’m an art lover (since 1982).

All kids are crazy!

My baby keeps on saying: ‘Mum, all kids are crazy!’

And he’s right!! Totally!

Kids do not live following social rules, kids do not think what could be the consequences of their actions, kids are simply and fabulously unconscious!

And this is why they are crazy and so adorable!

they are as they want! And absolutely do not have any idea of what is right and what is wrong.

and sometimes we should do a step back and learn as if we were kids to think outside the box!

I’m giuliaemotive and I’m a crazy kid!!!


Ready to read?


There is an Ig account that completely embrace the idea I have of beauty and good vibes…

voltarpagine is a world of ideas, suggestions, highlights (i love to highlight some special notes on books🖤)…

I’m giuliaemotive and I’m a reader!



The power of culture

All revolutions in any industry, environment, country, any revolutionary revolution has deep and strong cultural basis. This is common sense. This is history.
But sometimes we do not remember this.
If you really want to be disrupting, if you want to change the world you live in, the only way is to start from culture.
And this is true also in this moment, when it looks like we do not have precise landmarks and our values are not so clear and shared.
Culture can really change the world!
And I’m not talking about knowledge. We do not need to know everything. We have wiki today, we can google,… I really mean culture, the level of cultural sophistication.
I’m giuliaemotive and I’m culturally sophisticated!

I feel the infinity

If I stop for a moment and try to think about how my life has changed with my baby I have of course a long list to do but honestly it has basically improved. I keep on living the same way I was used to live before and I can share all the beautiful moments with Andrea and every time I’m down I look at him and I feel better. But this is quite common and all parents al around the world have the same feeling and would tell you exactly this.

But there is something really powerful in parenthood and it’s a subtle feeling you start to have when you give birth to a litte baby (but in that moment you are letterally overwhelmed and confused and happy and tired) and becomes more and more clear month after month. And when you look at your baby growing fast, starting to walk, to talk and to say funny things and to define his own personality, you can try to give a name to that feeling and it’s a sense of infinity…and it’s really impressive because once you understand what it is you can recognize it.

It’s like to feel you are not just your body but you can go beyond…it’s really difficult to explain…but it’s amazing to feel it!

I’m giuliaemotive and I feel the infinity!

The common sense of beauty

My little boy is almost 1 year and half and of course he speaks now and the most used word I can hear from him is BELLO! (after mamma…)

Nothing strange for those who know me… I always say BELLO when I see something I like and if I really like it I say “BELLO, BELLO, BELLO” with a typical gesture of enthusiasm. And he repeats everything I say.

He has a nice box full of cards with images of animals, flowers, fruits, birds and…insects! And when he says BELLO for a ladybug…ok I can understand….but to me it’s impossible to understand he likes for example a fly or a bedbug. But he likes them! and at the beginning I tried to split the cards between the nice ones (the roe deer, the badger) and the other ones, but noooo….he liked the salamander as well.

So I tried to understand why. Usually the animals I do not like are those that are related to my sense of disgust. It’s not the image of the card that I don’t like, but my imagination goes beyond that image and I can’t imagine myself looking at a salamander saying BELLO…. I mean, it’s a salamander!! But now I can understand my baby since the salamander actually is dark green with yellow spots and has two big deep black eyes…

I’m giuliaemotive and I’m rediscovering beauty!

Negative emotions are… an occasion


Sadness, loliness, that tragic sense of no future, no tomorrow, no possibility to change things, to change your life, to change your habits…

All these negative emotions are still emotions! And emotions can help you. They are always an opportunity, to grow, to improve and to change…changes always require additional energy and they move something inside yourself. Every time I change I have a sense of prostration.

What you should try not to do is to stay in the negative circle of these kind of emotions..they should be a moment..a drop in your balance…you have to stop and analyze them and then put in place an action plan to move to the following balance status!

I’m giuliaemotive and I change my life!



Think about how you feel


One day I stopped thinking about what people were thinking about me…it was an amazing day…and it was really hard. I started as an exercise. I took this decision during a meeting: instead of thinking about what I was saying, I was concentrated on the expressions of people around me and their reactions. The risk is to lose the focus, to lose the message, to lose your identity.

Start to think about how you feel, change the perspective…try to be a little bit more ego-centered (not in an negative way of course)! You are the person you have to share the entire life, so for sure your opinion of yourself is much more important than the one other people may have.

I’m giuliaemotive and I’m an ego-centered thinker!

Drops of emotions


To be emotional or not to be emotional?

This is quite an important question actually. Of course there are people that are more emotional than others and to be honest this is generally considered as a minus, a weakness.

What I learned in my life is to leverage on my emotions and to transform them in a strenght. To be emotional, if managed, can really help you to be empathic, to understand people around you, to create wonderful relationships, to be a great listener, to love people, to allow people to love you.

Turn the Hamletic doubt into a certainty! To be emotional can be your best quality!!

I’m giuliaemotive and I’m emotional!

The immense power of beauty


Beauty is something we cannot live without and we deeply need.

Maybe it’s because I was born in Italy and I have lived surrounded by beauty, but I think that aesthetic is my ethic. I make decisions in my entire life following my idea of beauty. Beauty is a value! it’s a priority!

I believe that beauty and images of beauty can be the strongest reaction we can have against all the images of war, havoc, poorness, shabbiness, …

Beauty can save the entire world!

I’m giuliaemotive and I’m a beautyholic!